Keeping Kids On Track:
Evaluating Five Years of The Primary Engineer Rail Programme
We are delighted to be launching a full report into the impact and effectiveness of our Primary Engineer Rail Programme. “Keeping Kids on Track: Evaluating Five Years of the Primary Engineer Rail Programme” looks at the impact the programme has had on Pupils, Teachers and the Engineers, as well as highlighting the scale of what we have all achieved.
Keeping Kids On Track:
Evaluating Five Years of
The Primary Engineer Rail Programme
We are delighted to be launching a full report into the impact and effectiveness of our Primary Engineer Rail Programme. “Keeping Kids on Track: Evaluating Five Years of the Primary Engineer Rail Programme” looks at the impact the programme has had on Pupils, Teachers and the Engineers, as well as highlighting the scale of what we have all achieved.
10 Years of 'Making a Ripple'
The following report explores the impact that this competition has had on learners, teachers, schools and engineers since its launch. This analysis draws on historic evaluation data and reports, as well as new data collected for the tenth anniversary of the Leaders Award competition.
10 Years of 'Making a Ripple'
The following report explores the impact that this competition has had on learners, teachers, schools and engineers since its launch. This analysis draws on historic evaluation data and reports, as well as new data collected for the tenth anniversary of the Leaders Award competition.