Our vision is to ensure all children and pupils achieve their full potential through engagement with engineering.

Primary Engineer®, since 2005, have developed an engineering curriculum that spans Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education institutions. Its core aims include; the development of children and young people through engagement with engineering, the promotion of engineering careers through inspiring programmes and competitions, the development of engineering skills for teachers and practitioners addressing the inequalities in engineering.

We developed a project-based learning approach to education which enables children and pupils to engage with practical math’s and science alongside creative problem solving and literacy. It has been described as STEM by Stealth® due to the integrated curriculum nature of the programmes which also develop resilience and curiosity.

Strong links to engineers and the industries they work in provides an opportunity for both pupils and teachers to expand their knowledge of careers, career paths and opportunities.

Our vision is to ensure all children and pupils achieve their full potential through engagement with engineering.

Primary Engineer®, since 2005, have developed an engineering curriculum that spans Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education institutions. Its core aims include; the development of children and young people through engagement with engineering, the promotion of engineering careers through inspiring programmes and competitions, the development of engineering skills for teachers and practitioners addressing the inequalities in engineering.

We developed a project-based learning approach to education which enables children and pupils to engage with practical math’s and science alongside creative problem solving and literacy. It has been described as STEM by Stealth® due to the integrated curriculum nature of the programmes which also develop resilience and curiosity.

Strong links to engineers and the industries they work in provides an opportunity for both pupils and teachers to expand their knowledge of careers, career paths and opportunities.


Our programmes and activities have a national footprint engaging over
117,047 pupils in the academic year 2023-2024


Our programmes and activities have a national footprint engaging over
117,047 pupils in the academic year 2023-2024


Primary Engineer has developed a range of ways for schools to engage with engineering.



Leaders Award ‘If you were an engineer what would you do?’ and our data challenge competition STATWARS



For teachers, educators and careers advisors looking for more research-based professional development




We are very proud to have won a number of awards regarding our work. The first in 2016 was the Red Rose Award for Skills Provider. These awards take in industry and commerce across Lancashire and is fiercely competitive. We knew we had a great story and enviable track record, but we were holding our breath as we were in a category with some other outstanding companies. 

The venue for the awards is the Winter Gardens in Blackpool, and is quite an event with nearly a 1000 guests, performers, music and a huge stage. When our name was announced the music that played was ‘Magic Bus’ when we took the award for Skills and Training Provider in 2017 it was ‘School of Rock’ – perfect!

In 2017 we were honoured to receive the CEO of Burnley Council, Pam Smith, personal award for bringing education and industry together at the Burnley Business Awards a bi-annual event that celebrates all that is Burnley.