Professional Recognition & PGCert in Engineering STEM

Engineering STEM

PGCert & Professional Recognition in Engineering STEM

Primary Engineer’s PGCert & Professional Recognition in Engineering STEM addresses the skills and confidence deficit that teaching professionals have around STEM subjects. Accredited by the University of Strathclyde as a “Post Graduate Certificate in Engineering STEM Learning” in 2017, completion of the course now provides teachers with 60 Master’s level/SCQF level 11 credits. Read our Report

The specific aims of Engineering STEM are to:

  • foster a future-orientated, strategic stance to initiate and lead change for STEM improvement in the classroom and throughout the institution;
  • build and apply sound knowledge and understanding of STEM pedagogy to inform teaching;
  • develop practice in the use of critical enquiry and reflection, to evaluate and strengthen the impact of their practices; and,
  • enhance interpersonal and personal skills, confidence and resilience.

The course addresses ‘Engineering STEM’ in four ways:

  • Teachers develop their practical skills and confidence through a one-day practical course. This will enable them to deliver practical maths and science to technology-based projects which encourage problem-solving, team work, creativity and resilience. The activities are whole class-based and therefore impact on all ability levels – not just academically but on pupil’s engagement, enjoyment, aspirations and ambitions. Teachers have access to a wide range of teaching materials both for the teacher and the pupil via the Primary Engineer Virtual Learning Environment to scaffold their engagement with STEM skills.
  • Teachers are given the opportunity to work alongside engineers and industry professionals as part of the programme – both on the training courses and in the classroom. This develops their skills in working with engineering professionals, extends the opportunities for pupils to experience the world of work and brings a real-world context to classroom learning.
  • The programme provides a unique opportunity for teachers to develop and extend engineering partnerships. They will develop a working relationship with practising engineers on classroom projects, consider the world of modern engineering and critically evaluate how enhanced industry engagement can positively impact on teaching and learning.
  • Using a Primary Engineer programme, including STATWARS® or Leaders Award® Teachers will undertake action research into Engineering Habits of Mind to create an innovative pedagogical approach to teaching and learning and use this to equip pupils with skills and behaviours which will enhance their engagement with STEM subjects and understanding of STEM careers.

The overall aim of the programme is to facilitate teaching staff in Early Years, Primary and Secondary schools to develop an evidence-based approach to STEM delivery and strategy development in their institution, and to engage with industry to understand the current needs and demands of students, to prepare them for the world of work.

The course runs from January to December each year, spanning across two academic years, to enable critical reflection and application of theory, knowledge and skills. All activities will take place as twilight sessions or during school holidays to allow access for all.

The cost of the PGCert & Professional Recognition in Engineering STEM is £2500. Payment plans are available.

To register your interest and learn more please complete the form below.