Posted on / in Leader's Award, Primary Engineer

Burnley Primary Engineer and Secondary Engineer Leaders Award Evening

The inaugural Burnley Primary Engineer and Secondary Engineer Leaders Award presentation took place at UCLan Burnley Campus at Burnley College. The exhibition of pupil’s inventions saw 100 pupils work in the highly commended, shortlisted and winners’ categories, these were on display before and after the award ceremony and formed part of the Burnley College two-day Science Festival.

The evening was attended by the winning pupils and their very proud families. The children’s work was celebrated with an explanation of the invention and the presentation of a coveted glass trophy. The response to the question ‘If you were an engineer what would you do?’ prompted such wonderful inventions as a device to stop old people from getting numb legs when using the toilet! a GPS system for bicycles and a device to open the curtains automatically to wake the sleeper and others. The overall winner from Shuttleworth College, was a software engineering invention in the form of an app, which only allows pupils to play games after answering regular homework questions correctly. The event was topped off with an illuminating talk from Mark Crabtree OBE of AMS Neve who spoke about what it was like to be an engineer and the creative process. The future of engineering is in safe hands if these inventions are anything to go by!!

To find all the winners for Burnley Primary Engineer and Secondary Engineer Leaders Award please click here