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University of Exeter creating the Anti-Spillable Mug

University of Exeter will be creating 3 prototypes as part of a continued partnership between Exeter University and Primary Engineer.

University of Exeter are one of our University Prototyping Partners for Devon and Cornwall as part of our annual engineering competition which asks pupils aged 3-19 ‘If you were an engineer what would you do?’ and encourages pupils come up with creative solutions to real-world problems.


University of Exeter will turn Year 6 pupil Jak’s Anti-Spillable Mug into a reality with their prototype.

University of Exeter have selected this design to turn into a prototype over the 2023/2024 academic year and it will be unveiled at the Devon and Cornwall Awards Ceremony and Public Exhibition during the Summer term.

They chose this design because they identified it’s potential to tackle a multitude of markets and help those with fine motor skill difficulties, sensory needs or lack of engagement at food time.

Beginning the Prototype

The prototeam have done lots of in-depth planning and research with this prototype idea as well as identify real-world problems and come up with creative solutions. Some of their ideas include:

  • Gamification to help children eat a balanced diet
  • Anti-spill featured plates and cups for those who have fine motor skill difficulties, sensory needs or
    lack of engagement at food time.
  • Encouraging those with eating disorders with rewarding behaviour while tracking data to inform
    health professionals.

The prototeam plan on focusing on this product, while also developing multiple other product lines to
become a ‘company’ focussed on providing interactive tableware to aid those who need it.

We can’t wait for the next update on this prototype!
