Posted on / in Leader's Award

Thales engineers inspired by pupil’s engineering ideas

On 24th January we were in Reading with 15 volunteers from Thales UK, one of our National Partners, for our first grading day of the year!

But what is a grading day? 🤔

Each year tens of thousands of pupils from the ages of 3-19 answer the question “If you were an engineer, what would you do?” and their entries are sent to us 🚀

With the help of engineering professionals all of the entries are graded (pass, merit, distinction or distinction shortlisted) and every single pupil who enters receives a personalised certificate!

Huge thank you to everyone who volunteered 👏 If there’s a heart-warming, funny or super innovative entry that stood out to you today, let us know!

Find out more about the competition here >

If you want to help us grade all these entries, simply find a location close to you and RSVP here >