Posted on / in Primary Engineer, Primary Engineer Programmes

Indutrade has partnered with Primary Engineer to bring engineering into the classrooms of 10 schools in the Greater Manchester region with our Vehicle Project!

Today teachers from these schools all came together at the Indutrade office in Manchester for the Vehicle Project Training day. We saw teachers connecting with engineers as they took a hands on and creative approach, learning how to create the build for this project. The builds teachers made on the training today will act as exemplar resources in the classroom when they run this project with the pupils in their classroom. 

We can’t wait to see these teachers again with their pupils at the exciting celebration event at the end of the school year! 

Learn more about how your school can get involved on our courses page!

I am delighted that Indutrade have joined us as a partner to support the Primary Engineer Vehicles Project in Greater Manchester. They wanted to get involved because of their passion for engineering but also because all the companies in the Indutrade family rely on young engineers coming through for the sustainability of the business and engineering as a whole.

I love and admire the fact that the project is fully supported from the top but is led by Rosie, a graduate engineer and the team she has put together from the various Indutrade companies across the country.

Nathalie Cachet-Gaujard, Head of Partnerships for North of England at Primary Engineer

In the UK we have a fantastic engineering heritage, and yet as business leaders we are constantly challenged to find enough highly skilled engineers to drive our business innovation forward. Being an engineer and working with engineering businesses all my life, I want to inspire the next generation of young STEM students and educate those influential people around them, especially teachers and parents, so that they all truly understand what a rewarding career working in engineering can be. I believe engaging with the Primary Engineer Programme is an excellent way to fulfil this ambition, which is why I’m totally supportive of Indutrade UK sponsoring a Primary Engineer Project. I encourage all engineers or interested persons, like myself, to give a little back to our communities and help more young people see with wide open eyes how creative, challenging and collaborative engineering can be. Please support this great initiative.

Peter Rowlands, Senior Vice President at Indutrade UK

Children are full of creative and wonderful ideas unbounded by real world constraints. Primary Engineer is a fantastic way of channelling that energy into a hands on Engineering challenge and inspiring our next generation of problem solvers.

Dan Wilcock, Project Design Engineer, New Energies at VES (Vacuum Engineering Services)

I wanted to get involved as a STEM ambassador to enable young people to realise the many exciting options available to them within this field. I want to pass on as much information as possible about this exciting and rewarding career path.

Jonathan Ellis – Sales and Project Support Engineer at VES (Vacuum Engineering Services)

I worked with a primary school recently to judge a Billy Goat’s Gruff bridge competition, where they had excellent justifications for their choice of material – the cotton wool topping on the cardboard bridge was to dampen the sound of goat hooves! I am very much looking forward to Primary Engineer and more wonderful ideas coming from their young minds.

Andrea Whittle – Chief Engineer at VES (Vacuum Engineering Services)